
Header image apparatus
Header image Nittenau fire station
Header image HLF 20
Header image incident
Header image First Responder / rescue helicopter Christoph Regensburg
Header image apparatus
Header image TLF 16/24 Tr
Header image SCBA training
Header image DLK 23/12
Header image incident
Header image incident

Nittenau Fire station

The fire station at Bodensteiner Straße 10 has a long history. It has been the location of our fire department since 1967.

In the year 1991 the vehicle hall received a general renovation and the new construction got a training room, a garage, another parking space and a caretaker's apartment. Additionally, the Bavarian Red Cross was integrated into the building with separate rooms.

  • 4 parking spaces (MZF, HLF, DLK, TLF)
  • 1 garage (parking space for VSA)
  • 1 training room
  • 1 caretaker's apartment

Our First Responder vehicle does not have a sheltered parking space.

After more than 30 years the compliance of regulations is an important topic for fire station operations. Due to larger vehicles, space problems are pushing our fire station to its limits.