
Header image apparatus
Header image Nittenau fire station
Header image HLF 20
Header image incident
Header image First Responder / rescue helicopter Christoph Regensburg
Header image apparatus
Header image TLF 16/24 Tr
Header image SCBA training
Header image DLK 23/12
Header image incident
Header image incident

Donation by the company Krones on 07/12/2023

The Nittenau Fire Department receives a generous donation from the renowned company Krones.

On July 12, 2023, we had the pleasure of welcoming the company Krones to our premises. This visit had a very delightful reason - our First Responder received a donation worth 14,000 euros!
Thanks to this fantastic initiative, we can continue to invest in our emergency equipment. In the coming months, we have a procurement planned that will significantly support the topic of resuscitation in our city area.
More information will be available soon!

We would like to express our gratitude to Krones for the donation and their excellent collaboration with our emergency personnel at the Nittenau plant!
