
Header image apparatus
Header image Nittenau fire station
Header image HLF 20
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Header image First Responder / rescue helicopter Christoph Regensburg
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Header image TLF 16/24 Tr
Header image SCBA training
Header image DLK 23/12
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Header image incident

Flood Operations Early June 2024

Floods and storms challenge the fire departments in the Nittenau urban area.

The heavy rains on the first weekend of June 2024 also caused numerous operations in Nittenau and the surrounding area. We have compiled a brief summary for you.

After a heavy rain event, the first alert was issued early Saturday afternoon, June 01. Several basements in the area of Alte Regensburger Straße, as well as the roadway itself, were flooded and contaminated by the nearby stream. The buildings were secured by us as quickly as possible using sandbags.

At the same time, several streams in the city area overflowed their banks, flooding streets and buildings. The connecting road between Steinmühle and Sankt Martin was undercut and partially collapsed. The situation remained particularly threatening on Oberländerweg. Here, the further overflow of the stream threatened to flood several residential buildings. Together with the fire departments from Bodenstein and Hof am Regen, the water was pumped out until late at night.

After a very short night and little relaxation, we continued on Sunday, June 02 after another severe storm. The sandbags and protective measures from the previous day prevented worse and proved effective. Nevertheless, it was again necessary to clean contaminated roadways and pump out basements.

The flood on our river, the Regen, meanwhile reached its peak and reached alert level 4. Here, only securing work at the bridge construction site had to be carried out on the construction equipment still present there. We received support from the Bergham fire department with heavy equipment.

Overall, we recorded around 50 operational sites.

We would like to sincerely thank all the deployed forces who were on duty around the clock and gave their best. Thanks to the citizens for their support and encouragement during this difficult time. Your solidarity once again shows how strong our community is!

Deployed Forces:

  • VFD Bergham
  • VFD Bodenstein
  • VFD Hof am Regen
  • VFD Stefling
  • VFD Neuhaus

The Volunteer Fire Department Fischbach and the Volunteer Fire Department Kaspeltshub were also tied up with several operational sites in their protection area.

Flood Operations June 2024
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